Friday, June 3rd | Saturday, June 4th | Sunday, June 5th |
Sunny | Mostly Sunny | Increasing Clouds |
Low Temp: 53 | Low Temp: 55 | Low Temp: 58 |
High Temp: 75 | High Temp: 72 | High Temp: 72 |
Wind: W 10-15 kts, G20 kts | Wind: SW 5-10 kts | Wind: SE 5-10 kts |
Forecast Discussion & Updates
Detroit Grand Prix (Belle Isle), June 2022
Sunscreen will be needed for the last Belle Isle race weekend. And no ponchos…Full details at RaceWeather.
Fri June 3: Sunny, Westerly winds, 10-15 kts, Gusts up to 20 kts, 75/53
Sat June 4: Mostly Sunny, SW winds, 5-10 kts, 72/55
Sun June 5: Increasing Clouds, SE winds, 5-10 kts, 72/58
IMSA Mark Sweeney
NASCAR & Formula One Aaron Studwell, Ph.D.